Multi-cloud support
Implement FinOps across AWS, Azure, GCP, Kubernetes, and Oracle Clouds
Get ML-powered cost forecasts, Anomaly Detection, and Optimization Recommendations
Automated actions
Automate assessment of best practices and actions on Budget Violations and Anomalies
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Save up to 50% on your monthly cloud spend

Introducing Cloud Cost Pro– industry-leading cloud cost optimization and FinOps solution. With Cloud Cost Pro, you get a 360-degree view of your multi-cloud environment, complete with actionable insights, ML-powered recommendations, and automated actions for streamlined cloud operations. Drive organization-wide improvements, enhance budgeting, and ensure compliance with security and resiliency best practices.



Trusted by data and AI teams.
Across enterprises and startups.

The cloud cost puzzle

Find out why enterprises struggle to optimize cloud costs

Monitor and optimize multi-cloud costs
with a unified FinOps solution
Gain end-to-end, granular visibility into your cloud resources to ensure every dollar spent is accounted for. Track multi-cloud costs across different teams and business units easily.
Get near real-time actionable insights to optimize cloud costs. With ML-powered anomaly detection, you can shut down any unauthorized, costly resource before costs snowball.
Gathr offers optimization recommendations based on best practices. Save more with minor configuration changes and better utilize reserved instances, savings plans, committed use discounts, and more.
Improve tag compliance and implement chargeback / showback across your enterprise. Gathr simplifies governance across multi-cloud setups with unified visibility and control over resources.
Eliminate virtual sprawl and idle resources with auto-shutdown policies. You can include alerts and certain policy checks in your IaC pipeline to prevent overprovisioning.
Get enterprise-grade security features and logs for seamless user management and administration while preventing unauthorized access or privilege escalation issues. 

Cloud cost optimization guide for 2023

Latest trends and best practices for cloud cost optimization



Get enterprise-grade, cloud cost optimization solution for guaranteed savings


Automated actions

Define and automate cloud governance workflows, threshold/business rule-based alerts, and actions. Auto-terminate resources based on budget violations and anomalies to prevent cost overruns.


ML-powered insights

Optimize cloud costs with ML-powered cost forecasts, anomaly detection, and recommendations. Get near real-time cost implications (e.g., potential cost spike from an unauthorized/costly VM).


Shift-left cloud cost visibility

Sensitize engineers about the cost impact of their work with early cost visibility and help them make informed engineering and infrastructure provisioning decisions.


Multi-cloud support

Avoid switching between multiple portals and get unified visibility and control across AWS, Azure, GCP, and Oracle cloud accounts within a few simple clicks.


Auto assessments

Get an automated assessment of best practices for cloud security, DevOps, resiliency, and more to improve Cloud FinOps continuously.


Advanced chargeback

Track and accurately attribute costs across teams and cost centers in your organization to assess wastage and implement chargeback policies. Continuously improve financial accountability across the enterprise.



Leverage out-of-the-box integrations with Jira, Slack, ServiceNow, and cloud audit tools to improve end-to-end cloud governance, operations, and financial management.


Cost summary

Get a quick summary of costs and resource usage across all your clouds. Drill down to costs by region, account, team, service, tag, and more. Analyze spending against budgets and forecasts.


Cloud ROI puzzle – solved!

Cloud Cost Pro allows organizations to reduce wastage and achieve significant improvements in cloud ROI.


reduction in monthly cloud spend


reduction in cloud sprawl and wastage


faster identification of cost bottlenecks


reduction in manual efforts


accurate cost center mapping

Mastering cloud cost optimization

Explore proven solutions to reduce cloud spend and maximize ROI


Expert Opinion

Approved by the
industry experts

Gathr has the stamp of approval from leading analysts and market experts.


Stay ahead of the curve


Choose Plans



Free for lifetime

Cloud spend less than or equal to $15K per month One cloud provider only



of monthly cloud spend

Cloud spend greater than $15K per month Multi-cloud setup

Free 14-Days Trial


Find your answers

What is the price? Do you offer a free trial?
We offer an unlimited trial for 7 days. Our price is based on the cloud spend for the accounts we monitor.

Below is the pricing model.

  • <15k per month - Free
  • >15k per month - 1% of cloud spend
For e.g., if your monthly spend is 14K, then you are eligible for free tier. In case your monthly spend is 20K, you will be charged 1% of 20k, which is 200 per month
How do I pay for the subscription?
We will send you an invoice and you can make the payment for the subscription online.
If I start my subscription in the mid of a month, how will I be charged?
For subscriptions starting in the mid of a month, we will charge on a pro rata basis. For e.g. If the subscription starts from 15th of a month, and the total cloud spend during the month is 50K, then you will be charged as 1% of 50k i.e. (500/30)*15 (remaining days) which is 250. From next month onward, you will be charged on a per month basis.
When will my subscription start?
After the expiry of the free trial, the admin will get a prompt to start the paid subscription. The paid subscription will start once the admin accepts the subscription prompt.
How can I cancel my subscription?
You will get an option in the Admin app to cancel the subscription. You can resume the subscription within 3 months.
If I have multiple accounts in my master account, will I be able to see details for all the account?
Yes, you can view details for all the accounts under a given master account.
How do I get access to the solution?
You can register from our website to get access to the solution.
How does it work?
Once you register for the solution and login into the application, you need to follow below steps:
  • Open the Getting Started application and go through the instructions
  • You need to perform few configurations at the cloud end to enable Gathr access and export of cost data
  • After above step, you need to open the Account configuration app and provide required details
  • You can then run the app and analyze the cost data and get cost saving recommendations
What do I as a customer have to do to run the app?
You need to follow some initial steps:
  • Perform cloud configurations to export cost data in your account
  • Create Gathr access to read the cost data
What are the dashboards you typically deliver?
Here's what the dashboards offer:
  • Overall cloud spend and top spending services
  • Drill down of costs by resources and by operations
  • Potential cost saving opportunities
  • Cost allocation and cloud billing tools for chargeback
  • Actionable recommendations and insights on cost optimization
How does Cloud Cost Saver compare to the cloud native tools?
With cloud native tools the customer has to provide the resources and time to manage the product in their environment in addition to the skillset to interpret findings, craft an action plan, and execute. Our solution removes that dependency allowing our customers to focus on their core business.
Is there a pre-requisites document for cloud?
Yes, we have well defined guides to get started.
How will we manage the risk of the customer data sensitivity?
We store data in GDPR compliant cloud storage with Row level security implemented at each customer level.
Are there any potential regulatory or legal issues to consider?
There should not be any as we are only looking at billing and invoice data from public cloud providers.
How can other people in my company get access?
The person who registers for our solution becomes the admin for that organization. You can use our User Management module to create more users in your org and provide them with access to Cloud Cost Saver.
How can I get help on this application?
You can reach out to us at